Tuesday, January 30, 2007


My new beast

Woow ,ckeck my beast , HL2 ,1280*1024 , ultra high setting @ 75 Frame per second :-D HaHaHa

Saturday, January 20, 2007


بابا بيخيال

يه پيشنهاد خوب! ميگم چطوره اسم خليج فارس رو با خليج ژاپني عوض کنيم،تا دعواي زرگري اين ايرانيا و عرباي بيکار ختم بشه!!!ديگه خسته شدم از بس يک روز در ميون ايميل و اي ام اس اومد که بريد اينجا و اونجا اعتراض کنيد.اون فرهنگ 2500 سالمون بخوره تو مغز سرمون ،آمريکا چند صد سال پيش شروع کرد داره دهن دنيا رو سرويس ميکنه .حالا بشينيد هي سر اسم خليج فارس با همسايه هاتون کل بندازيد .اصولا اگر اينقدر ساده ايد که باور ميکنيد اين چيزا سهوا اتفاق ميافته.روسيه از اونور به ملتي که مردمش تو فقرن نزديک يک مليارد دلار سيستم موشکي ميفروشه،يعدشم اين عرباي نادان تر از ما ميرن از آمريکا چند مليارد هواپيما ميخرن ،که چي بشه ؟ چند ملت نسل اندر نسل تو بدبختي فرو برن که مثلا اين چهار تا نقطه تو آب جزيره هاي ماست !بابا اينا همش بازي استعماره ، ما همه بازيچه اين استعمار پيريم که سالها کشورها رو سر کوچکترين چيزا بازي ميده و مليارد مليارد پولشونو ميگيره.
مليارد مليارد سرمايه کشورهاي منطقه داره به باد ميره، سر چهار تا چرت و پرت که همشو رو هم بذاري 2 تومن نميارزه.
حالا هي اس ام اس بزنيد تا جونتون در آت .هي اينا نقشه بکشن که شما رو تيز کنن ، شما هم مثل بعبعي تيز شيد...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Guld beer

This is really good, i found it in Ikea, later on i found out it is a BASE beer in sweden,
Tastes Gr8, if you can find it, try it.



اصولا پوز ميزنيم .عمرا از علي حيدري قديميتر کسي بتونه تو اورکات دوست پيدا کنه.علي حيدري هم مهدکودکيمه

Friday, January 12, 2007



Some people think if they have more fans , then they will be cooler!!!
In fact I know more the fans the harder they BLOW and the cooler they look!!!But they should be careful not to blown away with too many fans :-)

call it digital satisfaction !!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007



Old guys comming one by one ?!?!?! the funny thing is that i have no idea ho sologen found this place as i did not linked it anywhere or did not tell anyone about here,i thought i will remain the only reader but looks like i was wrong.
Anyway solo(gen) is one of the best guys i knew when i was younger(!!!)
That time ( that time is the bbs time ,also called as before internet time) we used to be frinds ( on teh bbs?!? and sometime park mellat meetings ).
but seeing alll the guys i knew spread all over the world ( apart iran !!!) souldn't be that good.
in fact thats include myself.
What ever , beebib hoorrra ahmadi nejat ....

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Persian jokes are modified and translated from english ?!?!?

Persian jokes are modified and translated from English ?!?!?
I couldn’t believe it till my south African friend sent me these jokes, For sure he has no connection to Persians apart me but I heard most of these jokes in Farsi mainly linked to “Torks” and “Rashti” people.
So that’s where they come from. See :

>>>THE 1ST AFFAIR>>>>>>A married man was having an affair>>>with his secretary.>>>One day they went to her place,>>>and made love all afternoon.>>>Exhausted, they fell asleep>>>and woke up at 8 PM.>>>The man hurriedly dressed>>>and told his lover to take his shoes>>>outside and rub them in the grass and dirt.>>>He put on his shoes and drove home.>>>"Where have you been?" his wife demanded.>>>"I can't lie to you," he replied,>>>"I'm having an affair with my secretary.>>>We had sex all afternoon.">>>She looked down at his shoes and said:>>>"You lying bastard!>>>You've been playing golf!">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE 2ND AFFAIR>>>>>>A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters>>>but always talked about having a son.>>>They decided to try one last time>>>for the son they always wanted.>>>The wife got pregnant>>>and delivered a healthy baby boy.>>>The joyful father rushed to the nursery>>>to see his new son.>>>He was horrified>>>at the ugliest child he had ever seen.>>>He told his wife: "There's no way I can be the father of>>>this baby.>>>Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered!>>>Have you been fooling around behind my back?">>>The wife smiled sweetly and replied:>>>"Not this time!">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE 3RD AFFAIR>>>>>>A mortician was working late one night.>>>He examined the body of Mr. Schwartz,>>>about to be cremated,>>>and made a startling discovery.>>>Schwartz had the largest private part>>>he had ever seen!>>>"I'm sorry Mr. Schwartz," the mortician>>>commented, "I can't allow you to be cremated>>>with such an impressive private part.>>>It must be saved for posterity.">>>So, he removed it,>>>stuffed it into his briefcase,>>>and took it home>>>"I have something to show>>>you won't believe," he said to his wife,>>>opening his briefcase.>>>"My God!" the wife exclaimed,>>>"Schwartz is dead!">>>>>>THE 4TH AFFAIR>>>>>>A woman was in bed with her lover>>>when she heard her husband>>>opening the front door.>>>"Hurry," she said, "stand in the corner.">>>She rubbed baby oil all over him,>>>then dusted him with talcum powder.>>>"Don't move until I tell you,">>>she said, " pretend you're a statue.">>>"What's this?" the husband inquired>>>as he entered the room.>>>"Oh it's a statue," she replied,>>>"the Smiths bought one and I liked it>>>so I got one for us, too.">>>No more was said,>>>not even when they went to bed.>>>Around 2 AM the husband got up,>>>went to the kitchen and returned>>>with a sandwich and a beer.>>>"Here," he said to the statue, have this.>>>I stood like that for two days at the Smiths>>>and nobody offered me a damned thing.">>>>>>>>>>>>THE 5TH AFFAIR>>>>>>A man walked into a cafe,>>>went to the bar and ordered a beer.>>>"Certainly, sir, that'll be one cent.">>>"One cent?" the man exclaimed.>>>He glanced at the menu and asked:>>>"How much for a nice juicy steak>>>and a bottle of wine?">>>"A nickel," the barman replied.>>>"A nickel?" exclaimed the man.>>>"Where's the guy who owns this place?">>>The bartender replied:>>>"Upstairs, with my wife.">>>The man asked: "What's he doing upstairs>>>with your wife?">>>The bartender replied:>>>"The same thing>>>I'm doing to his business down here.">>>>>>>>>THE 6TH AFFAIR>>>>>>Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside.>>>He looked up and said weakly:>>>"I have something I must confess.">>>"There's no need to, " his wife replied.>>>"No," he insisted,>>>"I want to die in peace.>>>I slept with your sister, your best friend,>>>her best friend, and your mother!">>>"I know," she replied,>>>" now just rest>>>and let the poison work."



When i cry

It is not important how strong you are ,you will break one day. And the stronger you are the harder you break.
I broke tonight,and I broke hard and that made a man cry.
And yes I cried ,I feel I am stuck between being a human or a monster.
Pain in my heart...
I proved that i am a mixture of weakness.I proved that i dont know what i want, i proved that i am ... maybe not what i am .And believing in being wrong and not being able to change it is something .
I feel so sad,i feel so sad.

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